1.2 notes
Obvious bug fixes and optimization.
- Fixing infinite flamethrower ammuniton.
- Fixing grenade throw when jumping.
- Fixing reload lock-up.
- Fixing I bleed? -medal.
New weapon
Stun grenade
- Stuns every on-screen enemy for few seconds and finally that grenade cycle button has some use
New enemies
- Firstaid kits drops are too random. 2/15 chance of dropping. Medic will always drop firstaid kit. However medics have fixed spawn condition it will not spawn randomly. Maybe every 5th wave and after every 2 minutes medic will spawn.
- Same as normal dudes wielding baseball bats but butcher wields an axe.
- Armed with shotgun or assaultrifle and only enemy besides the player that throws grenades. Will always drop 2 grenades.
Weapon/Enemy tweaks
- Axe damage output will increase.
- All knife specials will change.
- Flamethrower range will increase.
- Shotgun will shoot 5 bullets instead 3.
- Assaultrifle damage output will increase.
- Baseball specials will have stun effect like flashbang.
- Shotgun & Sniper rifle ammo carrying capacity will increase.
New medal
- Stunning: Use flashbang 50 times.
Other gameplay changes.
- Player will receive immunity for stagger and knockback effects for short amount of time when player is knocked.
- Enemy spawn order will be changed.
Any feedback/thoughts are appreciated